InfluencerSecret Superstar

Josh Fechter – Secret Superstar

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Content is king. Though we live in the world of technological advances, the words can still make miracles. The fresh content is rare & the extra quality of producing that “being interesting for the readers” is not everyone’s cup of tea. But, those who do, they do not just gain readers, but the respect & admiration for their work. This time we are talking about one such a young writer, marketer & growth hacker who inspires our team every day & hopefully millions out there for sure.

He is the co-founder & CEO of one of the rousing kick-ass marketing agency, BAMF Media (BADASS MARKETERS & FOUNDERS). Here out for our next #SecretSuperstar Joshua Fechter for being an inspiration to many dreamers who want a life of their own.

A Brief of his Stardom:

With nearly 50k followers, he usually talks & shares about entrepreneurship, startups & success driving marketing mantra. Here are a few of his achievements.

  • Top 40 Millennial Influencers to Follow in 2018″ (Ranked #4) – New Theory Magazine.
  • Credit with popularizing the genre of poetic LinkedIn posts” – BuzzFeed.
  • 12 Innovative Founders To Watch And Learn From” – Forbes.
  • Top B2B marketing influencer” – Maxim.
  • Top Quora Writer of 2017 & 2018 – Quora

What’s Happening at BAMF Media? – The purpose of his life, in his own words:

At BAMF Media, we drive ROI for growing companies using cutting-edge growth marketing and growth hacking tactics. We’ve worked with companies like TEDx, Mixmax, Voo, LawTrades, Book in a Box, Deputy, and Autopilot.

Services include B2B growth hacking, PR hacking, chatbots, FB ads, SEM, growth strategy, personal brand management, and marketing automation.

We also manage a community, Badass Marketers & Founders, which has over 15,000 members. You can request access here:

Work & Experience:
  • Data Analytics in General Assembly
  • Bachelor’s degree in the field of Economics & Political Science from the San Diego State University-California State University from 

Activities and Societies: Alpha Epsilon Pi, San Diego State Young Americans for Liberty.

  • Social Media
  • Marketing
  • Blogging
  • Public Relations
  • SEO
  • Social Media Marketing, etc.

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Source: LinkedIn, Google

Do follow Josh Fechter for his valuable content & bAD boyZ to know about more stars on LinkedIn.

#SecretSuperstar #InfluenceInYou

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A one-stop facile branding solutions provider for startups. A branding solution platform that ADZ value to the start-up community with information/services exclusively related to Branding, Growth Hacking & Influencers.

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