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Trump is Right – China Cheap Tricks to Invade???

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First of all, I hope everyone is safe & healthy at home.

#StayHomeStaySafe for some more time.

Let me warn you, This is so sensitive & includes a lot of information that might hurt or warn many of our readers. If you guys are from China, you are not the government that is doing all this, so don't worry. If you are in the government who support what your government is doing, please stop & let's be in peace.

Live & Let Live.

The Story...

President Trump was clueless about the COVID 19 handling, arrogant about many things & even the #GeorgeFloyd case but, what he was always right was about China & #WHO.

He has always had that instinct about what they are doing to the world & this situation of #Pandemic world is suffering now is because of the same either intentional (seems 99%) or unintentional (Maybe 1%).

Even WHO was not right and always just posting nonsense on twitter and does not what was accountability by both CHINA & WHO Director-General.

Moreover, China created this & without supporting the world intruding the bordering countries, making use of the situation to buy stakes in the companies, trying conflict at borders & push the boundaries.

Here is a video that came across YouTube, thought of sharing it to the world that needs your attention.

What is wrong with the president there, it is clearly seen that there is a lot of things they are doing to the world but, the lies, the acts, the attacks & the investments prove a lot of things that CHINA is not accountable to what they did & #WHO could not do anything other than sharing some shitty numbers.

World & #India - Beware & Be Aware.

How India is planning to kick China's Ass: Check HereIndia kick china


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