InfluencerSecret Superstar

Brigette Hyacinth & Oleg Vishnepolsky – Secret Superstar

For the first time, We are bringing you the Secret Superstars, who are no more secret. The very well known to the LinkedIn Family, The Duo, Brigette Hyacinth & Oleg Vishnepolsky.

Let’s follow the protocol, Ladies First:

Brigette Tasha Hyacinth:

An Amusing Writer, A great technological author, Keynote Speaker meet Ms Brigette Hyacinth. Her recent book “The Future of Leadership: Rise of Automation, Robotics, and Artificial Intelligence” speaks about the most advanced technologies that the future has to harness to progress at a fast pace.

Buy Online here:


A Brief of her Stardom (In her own words):

I am a diligent self-starter, continuous learner, avid networker, always seeking opportunities for growth and development and I relish a challenge. One thing I firmly believe in is that in the midst of all our accomplishments, we should always find ways to give back to the society/community.

brigette-hyacinth-secret-superstarShe is the Founder of MBA Caribbean Organisation which was established in 2008 that helps in cultivating leadership through seminars and workshops in leadership, management, and education.

She had penned 4 prominent Books that actually aimed at leadership:

  • The Future of Leadership: Rise of Automation, Robotics and Artificial Intelligence
  • Purpose Driven Leadership: Building and Fostering Effective Teams
  • The Ultimate Leader: Learning, Leading and Leaving a Legacy of Hope
  • The Edge of Leadership: A Leader’s Handbook for Success.
Want to avail them before its too late?

Buy on Amazon, Barnes and Noble as well as many other international Book Sources. You can contact her at or visit:

Her Stature on LinkedIn:

  • Top Most Connected Woman in Latin America & the Caribbean
  • 40,000+ Connections (♛ 2nd Second Most Connected Woman on LinkedIn)
  • 100,000+ Endorsements ( ♛ 2nd Second Most Endorsed Person on LinkedIn)

An Example of her reach on LinkedIn:

Do follow Ms Brigette Hyacinth for her valuable content & bAD boyz to know about more stars on LinkedIn.

Let’s move on to our next superstar:

Oleg Vishnepolsky:

The companies, every single individual dreamt of was in his past with ample experience & service to it thereby moving on to LinkedIn that made us talk about him.

Oleg-Vishnepolsky-secret-superstarBasically an engineer but talk a lot about people & his experiences with them. Sharing knowledge & experiences from united kingdom to every corner in the world, the global CTO of Daily Mail Online, Mr. Oleg Vishnepolsky.

A Brief of his Stardom (In his own words):

With more than limited connections & around 5 lakh followers, Mr Oleg has requested/ complained about the limitation to share the information & networking on LinkedIn.

(Note: That was Young Oleg in 1984)

An ad-tech and Internet technology leader, with extensive international and M&A experience as a CTO and CIO in environments of extreme technical complexity, of high scale and of high availability. Oleg has a long track record of innovation from the first in the industry brokerage website to click-to-call to the very first DMP for ad agencies. He participated in defining Internet protocols and has broad experience managing distributed teams.


Managing international and distributed technical teams, high technical complexity, resilient and high scale/availability transaction environments, change management, turn-around management, technology M&As, ad tech, Internet protocols & much more. His followers are ever-increasing & being from the technical background he always spoke about his experiences with people, recruitment & how work culture changed over the years.

An example of his content on LinkedIn:

Most of his articles are the most viewed on LinkedIn along with Brigette.

If you like the article & the idea, Please do share it to encourage us & share your greatest motivation in the comments section to encourage the deserved.

Do follow Mr Oleg Vishnepolsky for his valuable content & bAD boyz to know about more stars on LinkedIn.

Source: LinkedIn, Google

#SecretSuperstar #InfluenceInYou


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